Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Finally it's cool again!

The spell of August weather finally broke late yesterday afternoon and the temps were in the 60's overnight. Unfortunately, we had left the ceiling fan on high so I woke around 3 AM shivering. Cathy and I have really different internal thermostats -- I could have used the quilt last night but she had already packed it away.

There was a front page story about my old employer, Mercer College, Trenton, NJ, in the "good" newspaper this morning. Someone is trying to make political hay about some minor ethical infractions. A college employee split a $44,000 order into 11 parts so that he could bypass getting the board's approval; the college spent $19,000 for rings for the national champion soccer team; fundraising didn't properly document an $1100 dinner party; etc. Definitely wrong, but pale in comparison to the patronage jobs at the college (that has a $35 million budget!) and infinitessimal when it comes to the ethically-challenged actions of a significant number of NJ pols, local and state. To my mind, it's worth pursuing to correct the transgressors, but front page? No way. Strangely enough, it wasn't mentioned in the local tabloid! LATER--oops! Cathy brought home a copy of the tabloid and it was on page 5.

Speaking of MCCC, one of my good buddies was appointed dean of the college's liberal arts divisions and a bunch of us got together at JoJo's to hoist a couple in his honor. Immediately we started a pool to guess how long it would be before the job brought him to tears. I picked the second week of the Fall semester.

We had a little brouhaha here this week. Our board prexy mentioned that "...resale of homes requires approval of the Board of Trustees..." and several residents went ballistic. "The Board approval of the resale of homes is something that truly needs to be eliminated. It is a waste of time and paper. If the board did not approve the resale of a home, the legal rights of the owner would prevail in any type of legal action. Why would the Board even waste time on such nonsense" was typical. The truth is that the board has a responsibility to the state to see that the new owners fit the age requirements for our age-restricted community and ut has a responsibility to us to make sure that the seller is fully paid up and that there are no outstanding violations before he or she can finalize the sale. Truly sensible, but some people were thinking that the board could reject new buyers for "whatever" reason. Hmm, we have many different ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations already represented. What were they thinking of?

Time to throw in some laundry and go to the library. This is what passes as multi-tasking for the retired.


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