Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

First Day of Summer!

Ah, it's finally here. The official start of summer. Not that it means anything. Our community's pool

has been open for almost 3 weeks, and faithful readers will note that I recently complained about August-like heat and humidity. None-the-less, we have the longest day of the year. Weather Underground says that we will have 16 hours and 7 minutes of daylight today, and tomorrow will be 3 seconds shorter than today.

Went to a board of trustees workshop yesterday. Those are when the board meets to discuss and decide on issues and to prepare the motions that will be made at the next board of trustees meeting. I was the only resident there (again). I feel that if I don't go, they will once again close the workshops and then we'll never know what they really talk about.

We're having a problem in our fitness room because the TVs can be played at whatever volume the exerciser chooses. Some want to make earphones mandatory and others are much against that (this is a group that watches the same channel when they exercise!). But the board is going to disable the TV speakers so if you want to watch and listen, you'll need to bring a headset of some kind. This matches what most commercial gyms do and circumvents a lot of the nastiness that has occurred.

A resident has out a feeler for solar panel installation. We looked at some websites and they are big and ugly! Some states have laws that prevent a homeowners association from denying them but NJ is not one of them. I suspect the HOA will permit them if they can be installed so that they do not face the street.


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