Looking for cell phone advice
At nearly-72, I'm about to get my first cell phone. :-)
I'd like to have a combo cell phone and PDA, but the ones I've seen seem to have features way beyond just those AND their plans include $40 per month for "data usage" (Verizon).
Do you know of any that don't have "data usage" or, at least, have optional "data usage"?
I'd like to have a combo cell phone and PDA, but the ones I've seen seem to have features way beyond just those AND their plans include $40 per month for "data usage" (Verizon).
Do you know of any that don't have "data usage" or, at least, have optional "data usage"?
At 11:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I have a Verizon-based Treo 650. I love the Treo - it ahs everything I'd ever want, but I'm not thrilled with Verizon's offerings.
While they have by far the best network coverage and the like, they choose to cripple the Treo (break bluetooth stuff), as well as, as you've seen, provide poor data plans.
Sprint's offerings on the Treo are better. Same handheld, same software, just no crippling.
Treos are also available on GSM networks, so look at some others as well. As far as handheld good geeky stuff, Treos rock :)
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