Manana! may be hard to imagine but a retired person can still be a successful procrastinator! Even without the press of other business, I have been avoiding reorganizing my office space.
My primary excuse has been that since I have to remove stuff so I can move it around and there's really no place to move it to, how can I even get started?
But Cathy has given me an ultimatum to clear space for her scrapbooking project, so I gots to be doin' it!
I moved a bunch of paper from the shelf under the window and the table next to my desk onto the guest bed, but it doesn't seem to have helped much. What is it that rushes in to fill a vacuum? Well, paper and stuff do that in the office!
We did discover a bunch of stuff we hadn't known was there: some printer paper, a set of computer speakers, a CD with soup kitchen stuff on it from 2005, etc.!
Here's what I have to do:
Go through the paperbacks in the closet bookcase and donate most of them to the Four Seasons library. Then I can put hardware items (keyboards, mice, a laptop with Win 3.1 on it, extra routers, etc.) in that book case and get them off the table and out from under it.
Then I will reorganize the main bookcases. Probably store some of my "prized" textbooks somewhere. (I keep them just in case Sara ever says, "Grandpa, what's a transistor?") I want to make some free space in the bookcase behind me, just for tossing stuff. Then I can use the table top for incoming mail, bills, tools, etc.(and my USB turntable -- gotta get back to the vinyl-to-digital project!).
Next comes the other bookcase and the cabinet under it. Don't even remember what's in that cabinet!!!
But for now I think I'll just see if I can't get rid of some paperbacks.
Boxes! I forgot boxes!! I probably have never thrown out a box. God forbid I have to return something I bought!! Have to have the box. Hey, I should mark each box with the date that piece of equipment's warranty expires! Then I could throw it out (actually, we recycle them).
So anyway I am procrastinating by writing this. However it did give me some resolve to do the paperbacks, so I'm off! :-)
On another note, Sara's OLPC came in yesterday and ALan wants me to check it out and bring it to them when we come up in May rather that paying to ship it. Maybe I should --- NO! NO-NO-NO!!!Paperbacks first!!
My primary excuse has been that since I have to remove stuff so I can move it around and there's really no place to move it to, how can I even get started?
But Cathy has given me an ultimatum to clear space for her scrapbooking project, so I gots to be doin' it!
I moved a bunch of paper from the shelf under the window and the table next to my desk onto the guest bed, but it doesn't seem to have helped much. What is it that rushes in to fill a vacuum? Well, paper and stuff do that in the office!
We did discover a bunch of stuff we hadn't known was there: some printer paper, a set of computer speakers, a CD with soup kitchen stuff on it from 2005, etc.!
Here's what I have to do:
Go through the paperbacks in the closet bookcase and donate most of them to the Four Seasons library. Then I can put hardware items (keyboards, mice, a laptop with Win 3.1 on it, extra routers, etc.) in that book case and get them off the table and out from under it.
Then I will reorganize the main bookcases. Probably store some of my "prized" textbooks somewhere. (I keep them just in case Sara ever says, "Grandpa, what's a transistor?") I want to make some free space in the bookcase behind me, just for tossing stuff. Then I can use the table top for incoming mail, bills, tools, etc.(and my USB turntable -- gotta get back to the vinyl-to-digital project!).
Next comes the other bookcase and the cabinet under it. Don't even remember what's in that cabinet!!!
But for now I think I'll just see if I can't get rid of some paperbacks.
Boxes! I forgot boxes!! I probably have never thrown out a box. God forbid I have to return something I bought!! Have to have the box. Hey, I should mark each box with the date that piece of equipment's warranty expires! Then I could throw it out (actually, we recycle them).
So anyway I am procrastinating by writing this. However it did give me some resolve to do the paperbacks, so I'm off! :-)
On another note, Sara's OLPC came in yesterday and ALan wants me to check it out and bring it to them when we come up in May rather that paying to ship it. Maybe I should --- NO! NO-NO-NO!!!Paperbacks first!!
At 4:09 PM ,
Jasra/Lisa said...
*grin* Good luck with the office project! :D
At 9:08 AM ,
William said...
I forgot to tell you! They have an OLPC on display at MoMA!
I couldn't believe it when I saw it and it was all closed off so no one could play with it and I was thinking- my stepdad has this very own 'display' at home and he'd probably let me try it out!
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