Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

What the f#$%?

Where did the time go?

What happened to my AC? My furnace? And now my refrigerator????

Monday we discovered that the fridge had up and quit! Both refrigerator and freezer sections stop producing cold air. I called a few authorized repair companies (we're still under warranty) and the soonest anyone could get here was Thursday!!! Did we throw out food? Cathy was able to grill someof the meat and we put that and as much as we could in the garage refrig but there was still lots of waste. Oh, she did take stuff to the soup kitchen.

I've spent parts of two days getting a new computer set up for the new person who starts Monday at TASK. XP is annoying! But getting that new person will be great for Cathy!!

My committee is involved in an "alternate dispute resolution procedure (ADRP)" run by our Judicary Committee on the behest of a family who didn't like the idea that the ACC turned down their request for solar panels on their roof. We stated that they broke up the "visual harmony" of the community. They took four of the committee to see an actual installation and it wasn't half-bad, but the panels are very dark and these folks have a very light roof. Further, the panels would go on the front of the house, so we stuck to our guns.

At the ADRP, I think they made too big a deal about what a personal financial boon solar panels would be to them, and not enough on the environmental impact. Haven't heard what the JD is going to recommend to the board yet. If they are brave (or chicken!), they will rule for the residents, who may sue otherwise! The environmental impact is significant and there should probably be more people who do this.

Today, I spent some time with a neighbor trying to get DSL installed. He's a dial-up-AOL user and there's some deal that Verizon offers in concert with AOL, and that's what he got. But first of all, he bought an $8 NIC from Walmart for his Win98SE computer and it didn't work. He went to Staples and bought a Linksys and that installed easily. Because of the AOLness of the setup, I didn't try to telnet to the DSL modem (can you telnet to a DSL modem???) and set it up manually, so we suffered through all the steps of the installation CD. At the end, it had a laundry list of successes and failures, including the failure to connect to Verizon. We tried to get Tech Spt on the line but the wait was > 30 minutes and he didn't want to pay me to be on hold, so I made a few suggestions and told him to call me later. He did and said that he ran the installation CD from the beginning and got further thanhe and I did, but there's a big red X there and he's had it. I think they're going away for a long weekend. Rats. The other DSL installs I've done have taken no time at all and have worked immediately, but they were on XP computers and were no involved with AOL.

Tomorrow the fridge guy is supposed to be here between 8-11AM. And I have to call the HVAC people and find out where the darned part they ordered is!!

We're going to see Willy Nelson Saturday night. ;-)

The exterminator decided that the critters are mice-critters so he did what they do when there are mice. Two weeks should tell.

Next week should be quieter.


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