Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

This'll be quick!

Just to reassure you, I have not disappeared from the face of the earth!

First of all, a happy New Year to you all.

It was quite a year, healthwise, what with Cathy's back and my coronary arteries and lungs, but we're still hanging in there, better of than many our ages! I still have to deal with my cardiologist about the damned drug-coated stents, but that's for another time.

Went to Boston last weekend to see Lisa, Alan, Alisa and Sara. It would be nice if there were an hour away rather than 5 hours! Cathy's back survived the drive very nicely so that's a load off and seeing my granddaughter is worth the drive. She's reached the point in her development where she is quite articulate!

I'm enjoying my TREO, thank you. I added an Internet plan and will check the score of the Eagle's game during intermission at Symphony this evening! This is our first concert of the seasons -- Russian composers -- and we're looking forward to it.

B and D bought a 46" HDTV which makes my 37 incher look tiny, so I need to find excuses to go over there whenever there's a big game! :-)

Time to get ready to go out. Promise I'll be back in less than a month!! ;-)


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