Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Friday, July 20, 2007

We're not scared

The Red Sox lead in the American League East is again down to 7 games but the pundits keep saying not to worry. "Who would have thought they'd be up by 7 in July 20?"

But it's the nature of the RedSoxNation to worry, given the team's history and the mediocre play of late. The history has two important parts: they don't hit with runners in scoring position and they fade in the second half of the season.

You'd think that after 65 years of rooting for them, I'd be able to retire.

On a more positive note, I did something I never though I'd be able to do: give up salt! I noticed that my right ankle was swollen and pointed it out to the doc when I went in to get my ears cleaned out. He suggested that I cut back on salt to see if that helped. Well, I didn't think I could cut back so I just cut it out. Some things actually tasted better but others -- salads, particularly -- needed a healthy (pun unintended) measure of Mrs Dash. Yesterday, I succumbed and bought a low sodium salt substitute to see if that would suffice. But I'll try to use no salt at all on most food as long I can. In the greater scheme of things, giving up salt is a small thing but those of you who know me know how large a "sacrifice" that is.

Was in a "discussion" about Michael Moore the other day. Here's where I'm at: Michael Moore has exposed some very serious ills in his works but I don't understand why he needed to use lies, exaggerations and innuendo when there were so many facts to back up his claims. Can anyone explain that?


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