I Think Computers Hate Me!
Things were going pretty well after reinstalling everything on Cathy's work computer but we found as the month wore on that none of the few backups she had made to CDs had all the files she needed to have backed up. Hopefully, the new backup scheme will protect the ones she had to recreate!
Speaking of backups, she got bitten at home, too! Her hard disk started making noises the other day (after I installed a 19" LCD monitor) and so I ordered a new one. Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong kind and put off making an image of the existing one. Well, it died today! We're considering one of those data recovery companies but they may be too $$$$!!!
I started having trouble with Thunderbird last week. It stopped responding when I clicked on a link in an email. Tried all of the suggestions and ended up making a new profile in which I recreated one of my 22 email accounts. And that worked fine. So yesterday and today, I recreated the other 21 and got mixed results. When I clicked on a link, Thunderbird would stall and maybe 20 seconds later, Firefox would open the link. And there where some problems with extensions, so I said F**K IT!! and deleted the new profile.
On the positive side, I found out how to configure Bill's laptop so he could use his ISP for POP and SMTP while on the road (he's in Tucson at a writer's residency).
We're forecast to get 3-5" of snow-freezing rain-ice tonight. But radar suggests that the whole thing will end in an hour or so and we have little to no accumulation so far. It is below freezing so it might be slippery. I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning and I might not be able to make it. ;-)
My friend S got back from his trip to the Alps having made the sad discovery that his skiing days are over -- he has a bad knee.
We had an excellent meal at a new (to us) restaurant in the 'Burg last night before symphony -- John Henry's Seafood restaurant. Reasonably priced, too.
Did I mention that we got new dining room chairs a couple of weeks ago? Leather without arms -- very different from the leather slings on a metal frame we had before. But they are comfortable and I'm once again at "table level".
Bill Maher had Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a panelist last night. Talk about an outspoken person! Wow! I was impressed. The other panelists were a congressman from California (Darrell Issa) and the actor Steven Weber who described himself as the "what-the-f**k-is-he-doing-there" panelist. He wasn't kidding, as he made essentially no thoughtful contribution. Issa got in a good one. He criticized Obama for not being qualified to be president. When Maher retorted, "He's more qualified than Bush was!", Issa said, "You just made my point."
Maher got off one crack at Lindsay Lohan that had me laughing. He said, "Lindsay Lohan! "Drink Canada Dry" is a slogan, not a dare!
Gotta go!
Speaking of backups, she got bitten at home, too! Her hard disk started making noises the other day (after I installed a 19" LCD monitor) and so I ordered a new one. Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong kind and put off making an image of the existing one. Well, it died today! We're considering one of those data recovery companies but they may be too $$$$!!!
I started having trouble with Thunderbird last week. It stopped responding when I clicked on a link in an email. Tried all of the suggestions and ended up making a new profile in which I recreated one of my 22 email accounts. And that worked fine. So yesterday and today, I recreated the other 21 and got mixed results. When I clicked on a link, Thunderbird would stall and maybe 20 seconds later, Firefox would open the link. And there where some problems with extensions, so I said F**K IT!! and deleted the new profile.
On the positive side, I found out how to configure Bill's laptop so he could use his ISP for POP and SMTP while on the road (he's in Tucson at a writer's residency).
We're forecast to get 3-5" of snow-freezing rain-ice tonight. But radar suggests that the whole thing will end in an hour or so and we have little to no accumulation so far. It is below freezing so it might be slippery. I have a dentist's appointment tomorrow morning and I might not be able to make it. ;-)
My friend S got back from his trip to the Alps having made the sad discovery that his skiing days are over -- he has a bad knee.
We had an excellent meal at a new (to us) restaurant in the 'Burg last night before symphony -- John Henry's Seafood restaurant. Reasonably priced, too.
Did I mention that we got new dining room chairs a couple of weeks ago? Leather without arms -- very different from the leather slings on a metal frame we had before. But they are comfortable and I'm once again at "table level".
Bill Maher had Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a panelist last night. Talk about an outspoken person! Wow! I was impressed. The other panelists were a congressman from California (Darrell Issa) and the actor Steven Weber who described himself as the "what-the-f**k-is-he-doing-there" panelist. He wasn't kidding, as he made essentially no thoughtful contribution. Issa got in a good one. He criticized Obama for not being qualified to be president. When Maher retorted, "He's more qualified than Bush was!", Issa said, "You just made my point."
Maher got off one crack at Lindsay Lohan that had me laughing. He said, "Lindsay Lohan! "Drink Canada Dry" is a slogan, not a dare!
Gotta go!
At 4:20 PM ,
Jasra/Lisa said...
The Lohan comment is a riot.
I'm glad to hear about the new dining room chairs. They sound like nice ones.
I'm sorry you're having so many computer issues lately! :p Bad computers.
At 12:15 AM ,
William said...
Loved the Lohan comment too. I adore Bill Maher. I keep saying Obama doesn't have enough experience, but looking at Bush... Yeah- good point! :)
I'm rooting for Gore being drafted at the last minute. Hillary and Obama are in the race way too soon and people will be tired of them by the year's end.
Gore will sweep in at the last minute and be drafted. (I hope he wins the Nobel Prize as I believe he was nominated not too long ago!)
Now the big question is can Hillary be his veep? If not, then it's going to be Obama!
And thank you for helping me with Thunderbird- it was "sort of" fun going back and forth. I still haven't tried your latest instructions, but will do so soon!
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