Happy Birthday, Lisa!

Happy birthday, Lisa!! And many happy returns, too!! :-)
On a less joyful note, Cathy had an anaphylactic reaction to a peach the other night. She fears that she's becoming more food-allergic as she gets older. She's had reactions to grapes, watermelon and even celery, and has become lactose-intolerant which is a little ironic as she's about themost tolerant person I know.
Steve had his knee surgery this week and is doing better than I did at the same stage. No crutches, no cane and maybe no physical therapy. Waddaguy!
I'm leaning toward getting an implant when they extract my tooth. My theory is that a bridge would require work on the adjacent teeth and why bother?
Cathy's Uncle Bill was laid to rest in the same military cemetery as his wife. And Uncle Alfred made it back to Long Island. The nice thing about funerals is the "luncheon" afterwards. Bill's daughrer Maureen Kanka (mother of the child that Megan's Law was written about) had it at her house, and it gave Cathy a chance to reconnect with her cousins and make plans to see them later in the year.
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