Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

More Hot Weather

I hate to keep carping about weather, but when it's hot and humid..well, as Mark Twain said, "Everyone talks about it but no one does anything!" And the air quality is poor, to boot! We have plans to meet Steve and Phyllis at a fabulous restaurant with an off-putting name (Rats) at 7PM and walk around their sculpture garden for a hour before dinner, but I don't think I'll be able to handle that--walking, I mean, not eating.

I didn't mention it before, but on the trip last weekend, I picked up a rock that cracked my windshield. There's an auto glass service that will do the replacement in my driveway for $350 (well under my deductible) and they will be here Tuesday.

The 20 cent jump in gasoline prices is still shocking to me, although we're considerably less expensive than many parts of the US. On my way to the super market, I surveyed the gas prices and EVERY ONE OF THEM has the same prices! Brand names and no-names alike. $2.45 for regular, $2.55 for "plus" and $2.65 for super. Since the 10 cent difference in price is only 4 percent of the cost, I guess I'll forgo my usual "money-saving" thing of alternating tanks of "plus" and super and just pay the freight for super. Let's see....average fill up is about 14 gallons and that's (mumbling "4 times 9 is 36, write the 6, carry the 3...") about $37 per fill. Whew! My first tank of gas in this car, back in March, cost me $2.12 per gallon!

Other than the above, it was a very quiet week.

Look at the picture of Sara below (top left). Some have said she looks like Shirley Temple. What do you think?


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