Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Does This Bother Anyone?

"....on July 28, Princeton historian Bernard Lewis told the conservative Hamburg-based daily Die Welt that Europe would be Islamic by the end of this century 'at the very latest'...."

My Fellow Americans

It strikes me that the people who talk most about patriotism are the last ones to make any sacrifices for their country!

These are the people who criticize attempts to get them to reduce their use of energy, drive smaller vehicles, help those who are less fortunate, conserve our nation's resources, etc.

"It's my money and I'll spend it the way I want. I need my SUV. They should go out and get jobs. Yeah, let's drill off-shore and get my gas prices down."

1. You got that money by working hard, no doubt, in one of the few countries on Earth that afforded you the opportunity to make that money, and I'll bet I paid more in taxes than you did. If we're a Christian nation, why on Earth don't we follow the precepts of Christian charity?

2. What did we (or our parents) do before we had SUVs? How did we ever persevere?

3. As an example, GM has already laid off almost 40,000 hourly employees? Where are "they" going to find jobs?

4. Without considering environmental aspects, off-shore drilling will not affect gas prices for years and years! Better we should get "our" oil from Iraq. Isn't that why we went in there in the first place?