Over-55 and active

Random musings from a guy who's old enough to know better!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Follow-up to "The Gadgets Are Out To Get Me!"

The display on our microwave went blank the week before Christmas, so I pulled out Consumers Report and did some research on their "best buys".

Hmmmm...not many white ones....Looked up the "best buys" at online stores....What!!! People hated the two "best buys"!! What is the world coming to??

I looked into repair but they wanted me to bring it in (30 miles away) and it would cost $75 to diagnose it. You can almost get an ew microwave for that!!

So I fumferred around and decided to just buy another Sharp oven.

But before I actually went to the store, a funny thing happened: the display came back to life! And it's been working ever since!

Go figure.


I have little to say these days.

At year end, one is supposed to get all retrospective but I'm not big on looking back.

So what do I look forward to in 2008?

1. Cathy is retiring on Feb 1. That will be a major change. :-)
2. Improving my health through diet and exercise. Or, at least, maintaining the status quo. I'm starting to feel like a true senior citizen these days! Oh, well.
3. More bridge playing.
4. Getting my office and garage organized. I have too much stuff. Books, magazines, etc. that I haven't opened in years. Tools I haven't touched in a similar amount of time. I'd just like to see less clutter.
5. See more movies. Cathy and I have a hard time agreeing on what to see. Maybe we'll do a better job of researching.
6. Writing a monthly computer column for the development's newsletter. Maybe get a little more business from that.

I'm thinking about getting an Asus eeePC laptop. They are cheap enough and will be good for email and surfing when we travel. And it's another toy!

I got some toys for Christmas. But only I would consider them as such. Those of you who have my Xmas Wish List will immediately know what I'm talking about! :-)

Almost time to leave for PT. This may be my last session, depending on what the insurance company says.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


My wife's family has a traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner and last night was no exception.

Three generations sat around three tables at Aunt Irene's and Uncle Mike's and enjoyed roast beef, ham, mashed potatoes, string beans, cucumber salad, mushroom gravy and corn.

Desserts were fabulous and included a fabulous tiramisu made by my wife and a bowl full of those miniature liquor bottles made of chocolate and filled with different flavors of booze.

Later we shared the "oplatek":

The Polish family breaks the Oplatek (Wafer) (Oh-pwah-tek) on Christmas Eve (Wigilia) as their ancestors before them have done. The sacred white wafers, much like those used for Holy Communion, are shared with each person present. During the exchange, good wishes are expressed.

And now, some pictures!!